
联邦佩尔助学金与贷款不同,它不需要偿还. Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or a professional degree. 2023-2024年度的最高奖金为7395美元. The amount you are eligible to receive is based on your EFC (expected family contribution) located on your SAR (student aid report).

联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG) 有特殊经济需要的本科生有助学金吗. FSEOG不需要偿还. Pell grant recipients who filed their FAFSA form before the priority deadline date of April 1st will be the first to be awarded FSEOG. 资金是有限的,奖励是在资金可用的基础上进行的.

宾夕法尼亚州立补助金 is made available to 宾西法尼亚 residents who are enrolled full-time or part-time and demonstrate financial need. 你必须在5月1日之前提交你的FAFSA表格才有资格. 学生必须证明自己的学业进步才能保留资格. 联系PA国家拨款机构 www.pheaa.org 的问题.

其他国家补助金 从以下国家计划允许资金转移到学生注册 宾西法尼亚 州立大学: 哥伦比亚特区麻萨诸塞州俄亥俄州. 哥伦比亚特区也可以授予研究生水平的学生.



For all full-time enrolled students who are recipients of Lincoln University scholarships or grants (e.g. private and endowed scholarships or prizes and awards), the following requirements 必须 be met:

  • 奖学金获得者必须住在校园里,才能获得或维持奖学金. Students choosing to reside in the Apartment Style Living (ASL) residence hall will be responsible for the full cost of the room from personal resources.
  • Recipients 必须 earn at least 30 credit hours per year and maintain the required cumulative grade point average. (请注意, 奖学金续期申请, 暑期学校作业, 转换学分和, CLEP credits will not be computed in the cumulative grade point average and number of credit hours used to determine scholarship eligibility).

能维持这些奖项的是四年还是八个学期. If a student should remain at the university beyond four years or eight semesters in order to complete the chosen degree requirements, 他/她将负责所有费用. 学生有权对失去奖学金提出上诉, 他们必须遵守奖学金申请政策(见下表),并提交奖学金申请材料 优秀奖学金上诉表格 通过LU自助服务门户. 同样的, 如果学生未能达到要求的GPA或选择住在校外, 然后他们将负责所有的费用. 除了, 四年或最多八个学期, 学生是否应该学习超过全部课程负荷的课程, 19小时或以上, 他/她将负责每学时的额外费用. 最后, 奖学金不包括毕业费用, 健康保险, 个人财产, 罚款, 以及其他杂费.

最后, students receiving endowed or private prizes and awards valued at over $100 will have the amount of the award credited to their student account. 如果是全额付款的话, then the prize or award will be used to lower a loan amount or if there is a balance and the scholarship is more then the balance, 奖学金将被减少或取消,以防止退还大学资金.  

The only exception to this policy is for those students whose parents permanent home address is within 30 miles of the Lincoln University campus, as verified by information provided on the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Endowed 奖学金 are awarded to eligible students by the Office of 金融援助 at the beginning of each academic year for returning students. You 必须 earn at least 30 credit hours not including incompletes during the preceding fall and spring semester only.


Lincoln University Scholarship Appeals can be 提交ted to the Office of 金融援助 for the following scholarships:


  • 总统奖学金
  • 院长奖学金
  • 院长奖
  • 狮子解放领导奖学金
  • 实现梦想
  • 5强遗产奖学金
  • 狮子转学奖学金
  • 国际学生奖学金


招生 merit scholarships are renewable if students meet their completed credits and minimum GPA requirements.

对于2023年秋季奖学金,奖学金金额和标准如下. 如果你在2023年秋季之前获得了优秀奖学金, 您的奖励金额和标准将保持不变. Your award is based on the amount listed on your admissions offer letter upon acceptance into Lincoln University.

优异奖学金金额 & 标准






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教务长奖学金- PA



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  • You 必须 remain enrolled at Lincoln University for up to 8 consecutive semesters (4 years total). For 狮子转学奖学金, this award is only for 6 consecutive semesters (3 years total). 不允许间隔学期.
  • You 必须 meet the following academic requirements:Earn 30 credits each year during the fall and spring semesters. 在类之外进行测试, 转换学分和 summer school credits may not be counted towards the 30-credit requirement to maintain the scholarship.
  • 获得3分.累积平均绩点30分或以上.
  • You 必须 complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by Lincoln University’s priority filing deadline annually.


If you did not meet the minimum cumulative GPA or completed credit hour requirements at the end of the academic year and can provide documentation of extenuating circumstances, 上诉应在下一个秋季学期之前提交.

To 提交 an appeal you should complete the scholarship appeal form along with a detailed explanation of the extenuation circumstance and documentation of your extenuating circumstances. 书面陈述应该包括你所申请的奖学金, an explanation of why the minimum requirements were not met and what is your plan of action is to meet the minimum requirements.

Extenuating circumstances may include serious illness of the student or immediate family member, 直系亲属死亡. 支持文档 必须 随附你的书面申诉,可能包括一份专业医生的声明, 帮助过你的顾问, 有治疗日期的医生证明, 法庭记录, 讣告, 在辅导中心寻求学术帮助, 与课程讲师的电子邮件通信, 等. 请注意,你的学术历史的副本不被视为第三方文件.

Can I appeal if this was my first year at LU and I had trouble adjusting or roommate issues?
这种性质的上诉通常不会得到批准. Scholarship losses due to personal issues without documentation of extenuating circumstances will not be considered.

每个奖学金的续期标准可能不同. Individual scholarship requirements can be found in the letter you received when accepting the scholarship. 优秀奖学金(校长和教务长)要求达到3分.3个累积绩点和30个新学分.

新生提供优秀奖学金(狮子转学), 和实现梦想)需要30个新学分和累计绩点3.0. 解放狮子领导需要30个新学分,累积GPA为3.0. 院长奖要求30个新学分,累积GPA为3.每学年结束时3次.


 经济资助申请和学术申请一样吗? 两个问题我能上诉一次吗?
不,学术上诉程序是不同的. If the university has notified you that you are on academic suspension because your GPA is too low, 你需要通过注册办公室提出上诉,以解决停学问题. 学术呼吁, 如果得到批准, will allow you to enroll in classes for the affected semester; a scholarship or SAP appeal, 如果得到批准, 是否允许你收到受影响学期的相关资助.

 The financial aid appeals process deals specifically with whether or not you met all the terms and conditions required for the form of financial aid you received. Please note: if you are on both academic suspension and your scholarship has been suspended, you will need to 提交 both types of appeals if you wish to enroll and to receive your scholarship.

上诉可能需要10-15个工作日来审查. 在收到有关您的上诉的所有文件后, 如果您的上诉被批准或拒绝,您将收到电子邮件通知. Appeals that are approved are usually on a probationary status and the probationary requirements will be explained at the time of approval. 在哈佛大学期间,你只能上诉一次.