
The year long 第一年课程 is designed to assist first year students during their transition from pre-college to college life. 简单地说,我们希望提高你成功和留在大学的机会.

学生行话网站- www.studentlingo.com/lincoln

看看这些互动点播研讨会,由Student Lingo为您带来. Action plans and additional resources are offered at the end of each workshop to help you achieve your academic goals. Watch these 30-minute workshops anywhere you have access to the internet and a computer or 平板电脑, 白天或晚上! Online workshops count towards weekly drawings, portfolios and an end of the semester Kindle drawing.  点击此处查看传单.


  • 提供一个共同的学习经验,通过 第一年工作经验(101财政年度) 课程, which will address the challenges incoming students face and familiarize students with the opportunities available at Lincoln University.
  • 提供 侵入式和赞赏式建议 通过与学术顾问的持续联系,致所有一年级学生, 同时也是你的FYE 101课程指导老师.  每个FYE 101节被分配一个 同行的导师 帮助你尽可能顺利地过渡到大学生活.
  • 提供 opportunities for students to improve the necessary critical thinking skills associated with collegiate 课程s through rich class readings and discussion, 新生大会, 大学的考试, 以及其他课外活动/项目.
  • 提供 co-curricular learning opportunities in your residential living environment through the 住宿学习社区 在学术和学生事务之间建立牢固的桥梁.  与教师互动 主要的搅拌机 了解更多关于学术部门和专业如何帮助你实现你的目标.  了解更多关于 金融知识 以及如何充分利用学校贷款来支付你的教育费用.
  • 促进与林肯丰富的传统和历史相一致的价值观的发展.

新生项目提供第一年的体验,  a 3-credit 课程 designed to address the challenges incoming students face and to familiarize students with the opportunities available at Lincoln University.


  1. The Historical Black College and University tradition in general and Lincoln University tradition in particular,
  2. 全球十大外围足球平台的学术课程,
  3. 社会技能和学术技能的发展为大学的成功,
  4. 管理校园行为的规章制度
  5. 校园提供的支持服务.

学生将参加讲座, 演出, 以及贯穿整个学期的会议,作为课堂讨论的基础.  学生还将参与图书馆研究/计算机知识, 写作, 说话, 批判性思维. 本课程将在大一开始学习,并由大一项目监督.  访问完整的财政年度101网站.



  • 通过测验和测试确定并展示有效的学习技巧;
  • 通过小组讨论描述全球十大外围足球平台历史上的重大事件。
  • Demonstrate a satisfactory awareness of 金融知识 appropriate for today’s college students,
  • Conduct library 研究 and demonstrate 全球十大外围足球平台rmation and Technological Competency;Students will be required to effectively access, 研究 and obtain college resources and online sources; and prepare a written assignment.
  • Communicate effectively through written communication and oral communication utilizing digital formats,
  • 展示批判性思维和解决问题的能力;
  • Develop a 3-semester academic plan to include the general education requirements needed for gradation,
  • Demonstrate Technological Competency by constructing a website to post 课程 assignments and confirm the ability to locate campus resources and support services locations,
  • 培养对社区服务的意识和欣赏.

FYE 101必修课程材料

The textbook for the FYE 101 课程 is comprised of the online materials/information listed below in addition to materials distributed in class sessions.  以下三个PDF文件也可以下载到智能手机上, iPad (iBooks), 平板电脑, 或者其他小玩意.  A folder is also required  to keep all  materials organized and is to be brought to each class session as part of  participation grade.



Our 同伴教育者 are dedicated to assisting students improve their quest toward graduation.  同伴教育者包括:同伴导师,同伴导师和同伴健康教练.  这些教育工作者向校园社区展示如何成为一名优秀的学生. 他们设定了一个目标,那就是进入高选择性的研究生院和专业学校,或者快速进入竞争激烈的行业, 专业就业市场.

在每个财政年度101节, there is an assigned 同行的导师 that has demonstrated academic and social excellence during their first two years at Lincoln University.  他们的作用是协助教师操作课程. The mentors work with each of the students in the section to ensure that they receive the most out of their first year experience.  导师将监督FYE学习会议, 举办老板会议, 进行课堂教学, 为课堂讨论和测验提出问题, 促进课程学习小组, 组织“年度新生”项目, 等.

Peer Tutors are juniors and seniors who have demonstrated academic excellence in their 课程work and have a cumulative GPA of 3.3或以上.  These students work with all Lincoln University students by assisting them one-on-one with specific 课程work by appointment, 举办老板会议, 安排大型调音师和午夜注册派对, 为课程学习小组提供便利,并为学生提供临时帮助.  我们的每位导师都接受过专业的导师和同伴咨询培训.   

The Peer Wellness Coach provides activities for our first year students that emphasize the importance of the mind, 身体和精神共同努力,提高学生的表现.  Studies show that when bodies operate at an optimal capacity, the student performs better in class.  The student created website offers a wealth of knowledge through articles, videos, surveys, 等. 赋予整个学生力量.


Each FYE 101 student is to complete a minimum of five (5) hours of study monitored by any of the FYE 101 同行的导师s.  These study sessions are used to acclimate the new students to the necessity of consistent study in preparation for the rigors of the collegiate academic program.   The study sessions are incorporated into the FYE 101 课程 to give the FYE student the foundation for academic excellence and success. These sessions will be calculated into the Participation portion of the final FYE 101 grade (40%). This is an effective way to give the final FYE 101 grade a boost, while becoming a better student.


全年, 全球十大外围足球平台将举办有世界知名学者参加的项目, 驻校教员, 甚至还有学生奖学金, that enlighten the community on topics such as: "Coming Out of Your Shell: Joining Organizations,“世界是你的,出国留学可以让它成为现实。,”“非洲 & 尼罗河谷文明”. 安东尼·布劳德《全球十大外围足球平台》 & 主流媒体”所罗门委员会, "费城流行乐团之夜,还有更多!  Attendance and accompanying assignments will be calculated into the participation portion of the final FYE 101 grade (40%).


与教师交流和聊天,讨论令人兴奋的专业/辅修机会. Hear firsthand from the experts what each major entails and how the majors/minors can help  achieve personal  goals. 也要和正在学习专业的学生谈谈他们选择专业的原因. 为这次全球十大外围足球平台丰富的活动准备好问题. 全球十大外围足球平台机会突出是:研究生院, 奖学金, 实习, 职业和薪酬, 研究, 夏天浓缩, 旅行浓缩, 教师研究兴趣, 等.


在第一次约会的午夜,新生可以注册, first year students in the freshman halls come together to be some of the first students to enter and complete the registration process.  课程很快就满了, so these sessions are a fun way for  students to help students be among  the first freshmen  to register for the following semester. 同行的导师s, Peer Advisors, Resident Advisors, and Resident Coordinators will be on hand to assist.


通过这一年,我们将提供机会来提高我们的学习技能.  These BOSS session topics are based on subjects that students have requested and that have proven to be necessary for student success.  一些主题包括:成为一个成功的学生, 充分利用你的时间, 笔记策略, 与教师有效沟通, 阅读课本.